
Interpretation! This is my response to the recurring questions on what linguistics, law and art have in common. Any text – be it spoken, written or multimodal – exists in the space between the sender and the recipient, the artist and the public. And while we often focus on text production, the process of text comprehension is no less important. Exegesis, hermeneutics, or the interpretation of law – they all involve reading, understanding, and interpreting. Reading, understanding, interpreting, and creating secondary texts are also the very foundation of translation. Doesn’t it all just fit together perfectly?
Therefore, my academic work includes papers and publications which touch upon the process of interpretation – be it the interpretation of texts, terms, or concepts. One interesting challenge that has allowed me to combine some aspects of my professional practice and research interests has been my involvement in the development of a multilingual dictionary of terminology related to the restoration and conservation of works of art – an international project financed with a grant from the Polish National Science Centre and carried out at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Technology in Krakow. To learn more about the dictionary, watch the brief film below:
Selected papers and publications:
Conference papers:
- 2018. Believe It – Fake Words that Create True Art. Intermedial Communication as a Means of Building Credibility in Damien Hirst’s Unbelievable. IALS Symposium: Text-Image-Music. Crossing the Borders. UJ, Kraków.
- Between Verbal-Visual Tautology and Intermedial Translation. Selected Neon Works by Joseph Kosuth. Figurativity and Cognition Workshop. UJ, Kraków.
- 2015. Citizenship or nationality – which one is my right? On the influence of translation on terminology. The Citizen Project. Mansfield College, Oxford.
- 2012. Immigrati, Migranti, Clandestini, Profughi, Rifiugiati – A New Wave of North Africans in Italian Press Discourse. 5th Global Conference on Interculturalism, Meaning and Identity. Prague.
- Definicje terminów prawnych w przekładzie – trudności, konwencje i decyzje tłumaczy. The 6th “Language in the New Millenium” Conference of the Tertium Society, Krakow.
- 2009. Plain English w legislacji – implikacje dla tłumacza tekstów prawnych na przykładzie australijskiej ustawy podatkowej. “Termonology in Theory and Practice” Conference. University of Warsaw, Warsaw